Freedom High School Fishing Team Learn About Icing Panfish

Captain Greg of Learn 2 Fish With Us presented his Icing Panfish On Your Local Lakes to the Freedom High School Fishing Team on Wednesday, December 11th.  Students and coaches said they learn so many tips and tricks to catch more fish while ice fishing.  Captain Greg reviewed what should be done prior to the ice even forming so you are set once the ice is safe.  Ice fishing combos, electronics and other equipment was talked about so they understood what might be best for each student.  After the equipment, students learned the locations to fish as the ice fishing season progresses and why.  Ice fishing safety was covered asking they think before they do should someone fall.  After the seminar, students and coaches had so many questions to ask Captain Greg.   Captain Greg said, ‘It’s so nice to see such a dedicated group of coaches to lead this Ice Fishing Team!!  Thanks to our great sponsors we had ice fishing gear to give to the team!!