Greg Karch, a Learn 2 Fish With Us Angler Educator was awarded the State Of Wisconsin Invader Crusader Award. Cathy Steep the Secretary of the State presented Greg with the award on June 5th. The program had this, ‘Greg’s passion is angler education, with a strong focus on youth. He incorporates Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers! curriculum into the many seminars and clinics that he teaches. This past year, he volunteered over 400 hours in angler education and held his 100th fishing clinic. His ‘Fishing Basics’ seminar has reached 10,000 anglers, most of them youth. Learning how to prevent the spread of invasives is just as important as learning casting skills and lure selection, and Greg is sure to install this belief in all of his seminar participants. From his nominator: “While he himself has reached many youth and parents, the network that he has trained, supports, and continues to support is his biggest contribution. His reach is being felt not just in Wisconsin and the region, but the national professional fishing community”.