Learn 2 Fish With Us Teaches Casting At Lake Shakespeare

This past Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Learn 2 Fish With Us was edcuating youth and families on casting at Lake Shakespeare during Farm Technology Days.  Angler Educator Greg Karch also hosted his Fishing Basics seminar each day on the Youth Main Stage where he reviewed all the skills and equipment for fishing along with the AIS message of ‘Clean, Drain and Dry’.  The highlight of the Learn 2 Fish With Us booth was Lake Shakespeare where the kids practiced casting and if they had a good cast, they could catch a Backyard Bass.  Many kids said they caught thier first fish!!!  Thanks to Greg’s and Learn 2 Fish With Us sponsors many great prizes were handed out such as hats, shirts, coolers, line cutters, water bottles and more.  A BIG THANKS to all the 4H volunteers that helped in the Learn 2 Fish With Us booth.  All the equipment used in the booth was then donated to the local FFA group.