On Friday, May 15th Learn 2 Fish With Us educated a one hundred and forty seventh graders from Webster Middle School. We split the group into seventy students each. The first group attended the ‘Fishing Basics’ seminar where they learned everything needed to fish. Greg worked with many of the students doing hands-on activities. Once the ‘Fishing Basics’ seminar was completed it was time for them to go fishing. Learn 2 Fish With Us provided the fishing equipment along with the bait which was donated by The Reel Shot. Fishing was tough as the lake fly hatch has been going on for two weeks. The first group did catch four fish in an hour. One girl that never fished caught two of the fish. Thanks to Plano the boy and girl that caught the largest fish were awarded a KVD tackle box.
Once the first group went fishing the second group attended the ‘Fishing Basics’. After the seminar it was time for them to go fishing. The NPAA donated a shirt for each of the youth and were they excited.