Learn 2 Fish With Us Educates And Inspires Nearly Five Thousand Youth!!!!

In 2015 Learn 2 Fish With Us educated and inspired nearly five thousand youth and nearly three thousand parents/adults on the sport of fishing.  Learn 2 Fish With Us hosted twenty-eight fishing clinics all over the state of Wisconsin and Illinois.

Events where held in Elementary and Middle Schools, State Parks, Sport Shows, Cub Scouts, Fairs and more!!!   Depending on the audience, number of youth and number of volunteers, fishing clinics would consist of the following.  Fishing Basics’ seminar which teaches the audience all needed to fish through a hands on approach.  The ‘Fishing Basics’ seminar consists of; safety around water, review fishing combos. casting, knots, different fishing presentations; baits, parts of a fish, fish identification, keeping a fishing journal and the ‘Clean Drain Dry’ AIS message.  ‘Casting with a Pro’ which educates how to properly cast and includes Backyard Bass, so when you have a good cast you should catch a fish.  At some events educational stations which allowed all youth to get hands on education on needed fishing skills.   When a fishing clinic was held near water, fishing was always part of the fishing clinic as the youth and families could utilize their newly learned skills with the help of Learn 2 Fish With Us volunteers.   Learn 2 Fish With Us provided loaner fishing equipment for the youth and families to fish and The Reel Shot provided the bait.

In 2015, Learn 2 Fish With Us and our sponsors provided nearly ten thousand in fishing combos, tackle boxes, jigs, lures, shirts, hats, educational books and more to attendee’s

Look for a Learn 2 Fish With Us Fishing Clinic in your are in 2016!!!  If you would like us to attend or do a fishing clinic for you organization please email us at [email protected].  All our fishing clinics our free to the public!!!