On May 7th, Learn 2 Fish With Us was at Kimberly YMCA Children’s Day during Wisconsin’s Opening Weekend of Fishing. Most of the parents attending the event asked Greg why he was not fishing on opening weekend. He replied, ‘I’m here so I can teach the youth on casting and other fishing skills’. Learn 2 Fish With Us main attraction was Backyard Bass so they could teach one of the most important skills of casting. So many kids learned how to cast today. During the casting instruction, youth learned to look behind before casting and ten o’clock and two o’clock. So many youth learned how to cast after the instruction. Each youth received one of the following after casting; fish identification cards, Tru Turn Hooks or a Shakespeare casting plug.
Learn 2 Fish With Us also had a fishing display setup where they taught youth how to tie knots. They also had a live bait display which included different types of minnows, leeches and worms. The youth got to play with the bait. The fishing display also had a fish identification poster along with a Clean Drain Dry poster.