Webster Stanley Middle School 7th graders go fishing!!!

Today may have been a windy and cold day but you would not have know that with all the smiles on the seventh graders.  This was the third year that Learn 2 Fish With Us hosted a fishing clinics for the third graders at Webster Stanley Middle School in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.  The afternoon started with the seventh grader being split up into the two groups.  The first group entered the auditorium to learn all the skills and equipment needed to fish.  Captain Greg presented his Fishing Basics seminar.  Once completed it was time for the seventh graders to go fishing.  They had to walk almost a half mile to get to the less windy side of the bay to fish.  The seventh graders were using the Learn 2 Fish With Us fishing combos and The Reel Shot provided the bait.  Bluegills and sheephead were caught.   Once the first group left to fish, it was the second groups turn to learn about fishing.  Once completed they went fishing.  The last five Learn 2 Fish With Us clinics the question of why is a Muskie so important in Wisconsin was answered!!  It is Wisconsin’s state fish!!!  Way to go Webster Stanley seventh graders!!