On Saturday, June 22nd Learn 2 Fish With Us and our volunteers traveled to Jasperson’s Sod Farm in Union Grove, Wisconsin’s for Racine’s Breakfast On The Farm. They were forecasting wind and rain but guess what? It was a great day with the sun showing up. Learn 2 Fish With Us had a fishing educational booth setup where the families had hands on education for safety while fishing, casting, fish identification and knot tying. The biggest attraction in the booth was the live bait. The youth really enjoyed the leeches!! Each youth went home with Future Pro shirt and were they excited!!
We continue to get invited to events across Wisconsin that allow us to educate future anglers that would most likely not attend a fishing clinic. I love event organizers that think outside the box and invite us!!
I big shout out to all the volunteers that helped in the Learn 2 Fish With Us booth. At this event we had two High School students that helped; Cory and Hunter.