Learn 2 Fish With Us and Head2Head Fishing hosted two youth fishing clinics during their fifth stop of the Head2Head
Fishing Pro Walleye Series. Event five was held on Lake McConaughy in Ogallala, Nebraska. The first fishing clinic, was held at the Lake McConaughy State Recreation Visitor Center on Monday, August 23rd and the second fishing clinic was held at Lured In. This was Learn 2 Fish With Us furthest fishing clinic to date at just over eight hundred miles one way from their headquarters of Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
Head2Head Fishing Pro Walleye Series anglers and officials along with Captain Greg of Learn 2 Fish With Us, educated youth on the equipment and skills needed to begin fishing. Each evening started out with a Fishing Basics seminar, which taught future anglers; safety while fishing, spin cast and spinning fishing combos, casting, different fishing presentations, knots, fish identification, live and artificial bait and aquatic invasive species. After the seminar, Head2Head Fishing Pro Walleye Series anglers and officials, worked with families on hands activities such as tying a Clinch and Palomar knot and casting.
To end the fishing clinics each youth received a fishing combo, NPAA Future Pro Shirt and My Fishing Journal, thanks to the National Professional Anglers Association and Future Angler Foundation. They were so excited!
Learn 2 Fish With Us so enjoys working with the Head2Head Pro Walleye Series and look forward to the next fishing clinics, which will be held during the Lake Chautaugua event, the week of October 11th.