Captain Greg of Learn 2 Fish With Us held his fortieth fishing clinic of 2022, during Ojibwa’s Bowhunter Youth Day, which was held in New Berlin, Wisconsin on Saturday July 30th. Over two hundred youth attended the event.
Learn 2 Fish With Us had a fishing educational booth at the Ojibwa Youth Day, which taught youth how to cast safely and accurately, tie a Palomar and Clinch knot, fish identification, safety while on the water and Aquatic Invasive Species. During the day you heard the youth yelling, ‘got another’, or missed one while fishing for backyard bass. Besides the youth, adults also liked learning the how to tie the different knots.
Huge thanks to the Ojibwa’s Bow Hunters for helping in our fishing educational booth. After the youth attended all the hands on stations, they received a NPAA Future Pro shirt and Shakespeare fishing educational book thanks to the National Professional Anglers Association and Learn 2 Fish With Us. Foundation.