On Friday, March 8th, Xavier kindergarteners learned who Walter The Wily Walleye was!! Captain Greg of Learn 2 Fish With Us read ‘Walter the Wily Walleye’ from Bob Allen Books to the kindergartners. Kindergarteners learned where Walter likes to swim and hide, what bait he likes, how he likes to be in school, how he can be sneaky and his special eyes and how they help him see at night!! Walter also noted, that grownups may catch walleye but they like when kids catch them!! Walter likes being in pictures but also like to be released back into the lake so he can get bigger!! Captain Greg brought his monster walleye he caught, which was thirty-three and quarter inches and just over thirteen pounds and were the kindergarteners were impressed. Students learn about the different parts of a walleye. Students also learned how important it is to wear a life jacket along with the different baits Captain Greg uses to catch walleye. Captain Greg and the kindergarteners had such a fun time!! Students were so excited when they found out each of them was getting a fishing shirt!!