Friday May 20th, Learn 2 Fish With Us educated the Webster Stanley seventh graders on the skills needed to fish through their Fishing Basics seminar. The seventh graders were split into two groups so the group was not to large. The first group of seventh graders attended the seminar where many of the them were able to participate in hands on training with Greg. The youth then had time to ask Greg questions. After their questions were answered, it was time for them too go fishing where they utilized Learn 2 Fish With Us fishing equipment. Learn 2 Fish With Us had many volunteers to help the seventh graders fish as many of them were fishing for the first time. While the first group was fishing the second group was attending the Fishing Basics seminar. Once the Fishing Basics seminar was completed for the second group they went fishing. Fishing was tough due too the weather we have experienced the last two weeks and due to the lake fly hatch but a couple of crappies and bluegills were caught. The kids were excited when they found out they would receive a NPAA Future Pro shirt.