On Sunday, September 8th, Learn 2 Fish With Us and our volunteers attended Harbor Fest which was held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin at the School Of Freshwater Science. Learn 2 Fish With Us had a Fishing educational booth which educated over three hundred youth and nearly as many adults on the skills and equipment needed to fish. Skills learned in the booth were casting, fish identification, safety while fishing, how to tie knots and the different baits we use while fishing. Adults asked many questions such as; where do I buy an fishing license, best spots to fish, best bait to use and presentations. A family that attended sent me a text that said “The grand kids had the best time at your booth. Thank you so much. The kids were so excited to tell their parents about FISHING and the live bait. They were so excited about the shirts you gave them they put them on and my granddaughter can’t wait to use her Shakespeare fishing combo. Youth received; Shakespeare casting plugs, NPAA Future Pro Shirts and fishing combos. Thanks to the Learn 2 Fish With Us and Harbor Fest volunteers for all your help!!