Learn 2 Fish With Us and National Professional Anglers Association (NPAA) hosted Fishing Basics and Advanced Fishing Basics seminars at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Sport Show on Saturday, March 7th. Learn 2 Fish With Us and NPAA members Karen #121 and Greg Karch #138 hosted the seminars. A half hour before the Fishing Basics seminar was to start, families were lined up for the Fishing Basics seminar. All youth sixteen and under received a Shakespeare fishing combo thanks to the NPAA. Fishing Basics seminar, educates youth and families to all skills and equipment needed to begin fishing in an interactive approach. Captain Greg felt that Fishing Basics needed to have an interactive approach so he could keep youth engaged throughout the forty-five minute seminar. Youth, families and adults learned safety while fishing, bait, presentations, fishing equipment and aquatic invasive species. After the seminar parents came up to Greg to say how amazed they were, that he kept youth engaged throughout the seminar!!
The second seminar ‘Advanced Fishing Basics’ seminar is built upon the ‘Fishing Basic’ skills and equipment and educates attendees on: bait caster and line counter reels, jigs and plastics, crankbaits, jigging and trolling presentations, how a graph works, maps, filleting a fish and cooking of the fish. Greg was amazed at how many adults attended this seminar. Youth sixteen and under received a Plano mini tackle box that had Northland jigs, Tru-Turn hooks, sinkers, plastics and a bobber. Everything needed while fishing!! Learn 2 Fish With Us provided the giveaway.