Attendee’s of Shawano Sun Drop Dayz learned all about FISHING in the Learn 2 Fish With Us booth!!! A big thank you to Jeff Ballwahn and his wife for sponsoring the Learn 2 Fish With Us booth. The event was held on Saturday, June 3rd in Shawano, Wisconsin. Learn 2 Fish With Us volunteers instructed attendee’s on casting, knot tying, fish identification and more in their booth from 11 AM to 4 PM.. This was all hands on education!!! At 12:30, Angler Educator Greg Karch presented his Fishing Basics seminar which taught attendee’s all the skills and equipment needed to go fishing along with the Aquatic Invasive Species of ‘Clean Drain Dry’. After the Fishing Basics seminar youth received a Shakespeare fishing Combo for attending. Thanks to Shakespeare and the National Professional Anglers Association for donating the fishing combos. For the sixth fishing clinic in a row, a youth knew that the Musky was Wisconsin’s state fish. Awesome!!
Thanks to the Learn 2 Fish volunteers Mark, Adam and Karen for all their help!!!