
Did you know Learn 2 Fish With Us is entirely funded on sponsorships, grants and donations?  Thanks to the businesses, organizations and individuals below, allow us to share our passion for fishing with youth and help them develop a skill they can use for life and give families a fun activity they can do together outside.

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact Captain Greg Karch at [email protected].

P.S. If you are shopping for fishing equipment, check out our sponsors’ products!

Musky ($10,000+) 


Walleye ($5,000+) 

Shakespeare Fishing logo Berkley logo



 Bass ($2,500+) 


 Bluegill ($1,000+) 

Dave's Musky Club logo
Mercury Marine logo

Minnow ($500) 

Northland Tackle Company logo Off Shore Tackle Logo

 Individual Donors

Greg & Karen Karch
Greg & Kristin Strehlow
Dave Prieto Fishing Memorial
Deb & Chuck Burich and Family

 Captain Greg’s Personal Sponsors

Captain Greg’s personal sponsors help us by sponsoring his boat, motors and various donations to Learn 2 Fish.

Mercury Marine Off Shore Tackle Company The Boat Doc
Shakespeare Berkley KYND Eyewear
TTI Blakemore Fishing Group Off Shore Tackle Company Eskimo