On April 8th, Certified Angler Educator, Greg Karch from Learn 2 Fish With Us hosted his Fishing Basics seminar to the 5th, 6th 7rh and 8th graders attending New Hope School located in Neenah, Wisconsin. The students were eagle to learn about the skills need to fish along with wanting to participate in the hands on activities during the seminar. Greg had time after the seminar to address questions from the students and one had asked what it takes to be a professional fisherman. Greg started out by say a good education and a nice job. Greg explained that boats and fishing equipment is very expensive along with the tournament fees and travel expenses so you need a good job to support you while you starting to fish professionally. Greg also explained that you continually need to spend time learning the water and different skills to become the best you can be as you are fishing against many others that are doing the same.
One the clinic was done Greg handed out Fishouflage hats to each of the students and they were excited!!!