On May 6th, Certified Angler Educator, Greg Karch from Learn 2 Fish With Us hosted his Fishing Basics seminar for the fourth and fifth graders at Hawley Environmental School which is located in Milwaukee. Wisconsin . When learn 2 Fish With Us showed up for the fishing clinic students from the school were on recess. They all would come over during setup as they wanted to know about all the educational tools we use to teach about fishing. What drew the most interest was the box I brought along. When they would open it they would see the large walleye and they would want to more about the fish. At 1:30 PM we started the Fishing Basic seminar where the fifth graders learned all the skills needed to go fishing..
After the seminar it was time for the fifth graders to practice two of the mot important skills needed when fishing. Greg worked with the youth on tying a Clink knots and each of the students tied the knot. Nick Schmual came along and he utilized Backyard Bass to teach the youth how to cast. When they had a good cast they would catch a Backyard Bass. One student caught Backyard Bass on back to back cast.
This fishing education was just in time for there trip to the Wisconsin Dells where they will be camping along with fishing during the trip. Last year the National Professional Anglers Association donated fifty fishing combo’s to the school. Each of the students received a Future Pro Tshirt.