This past weekend, Learn 2 Fish With Us Certified Angler Educator, Greg Karch, and Karen Karch shared their passion for fishing through hosting two fishing seminars at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Sport Show. Greg presented his Fishing Basics seminar right next to Lake Milwaukee which had a boat, pontoon along with a few kayaks. The families were so excited to learn all the skills needed for fishing which included safety, fishing combo’s, casting, fishing presentations, fish identification, knots, bait, AIS message of ‘Clean Drain Dry’. Learn 2 Fish With Us added a new element to their Fishing Basics seminar which showed attendee’s how to properly net a fish. After the fishing seminar, youth had the opportunity to practice casting in Lake Milwaukee. Greg was amazed at how many adults attended the Fishing Basics seminar both days which shows that the public is looking for seminars like the Fishing Basics. Youth attending the seminars received a Shakespeare fishing combo on Saturday and Fishouflage Visor on Sunday thanks to Learn 2 Fish With Us and their sponsors.