Learn 2 Fish With Us and it’s volunteers attended Racine’s Breakfast On The Farm on Saturday, June 24th where they introduced youth and adults to a hands on Fishing educational booth. Over three thousand people attended Breakfast On The Farm. Thanks to Learn 2 Fishing With Us and NPAA members, Captain Greg #138, Karen Karch #121, Chris Cody #1027 and Tim Wauer for introducing these families to fishing along in the fishing booth.
In the Fishing booth families learned how to cast safely and accurately thanks to the Learn 2 Fish pond (a blue tarp) and Backyard Bass, how to tie a Clinch and Palomar knot, fish identification and safety while fishing. During the morning youth looked on that were not sure if they wanted to cast but after hearing the youth say ‘Got Another One!!!!’, curiosity gave in, and they tried casting with the help of the volunteers.
Captain Greg said ‘We are hosting a lot of events this year and it is so important to have a diversification of events we attend, along with locations throughout Wisconsin. This event was two hours from our home base of Oshkosh’. Making a difference across Wisconsin.’ Breakfast On The Farm organizer Renee said ‘It’s so important to get a diversification of events for attendee’s of Breakfast On The Farm and the Fishing Booth in 2019 was a huge hit!!’.
Each youth was excited as they learned they would receive a NPAA Future Pro shirt after attending all the fishing hands-on stations.