Captain Greg and volunteers of Learn 2 Fish With Us shared their passion for fishing with the cub scouts of Oshkosh. The fishing clinic took place the evening of May 13th at Winnebago County Park located in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. It was the perfect night to host the fishing clinic as it was sunny and warm, maybe even the best evening of 2021!!
The evening started out with the scouts learning the skills and equipment needed to begin fishing through Captain Greg’s Fishing Basics seminar. Fishing Basics teaches; safety while fishing, spin cast and spinning fishing combos, how to cast, different fishing presentations, fish identification, knots, live and artificial bait, aquatic invasive species, keeping a fishing log and so much more. After the Fishing Basics seminar, scouts walked to the pond which was a catch and release. Due to this being a catch and release pond, it did not take long for the scouts to start catching fish!! Scouts caught Largemouth Bass, Bluegill, Warmouth and Crappies!! So many scouts look forward to coming back fishing!! Captain Greg would love to see more fishing locations that are catch and release to allow youth and families to be able to catch fish!!
Each youth was excited as they received a fishing combo thanks to the National Professional Anglers Association. Learn 2 Fish With Us provided fishing tackle and a Shakespeare My Fishing Journal to each of the scouts.