Author's posts

Presenting at National Professional Anglers Association

This past weekend I was at the National Professional Anglers Association Conference where I presented on NPAA Future Angler Events along with a motivational and inspirational message.   I had practiced my presentation throughout the week and never had the moment I had during my presentation.   When I saw Caiden on the screen looking at me, …

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Greg Karch To present his Ice Fishing Basics seminar at Wissota Ice Fishing Classic

Greg Karch will be presenting his newly created Ice Fishing Basics seminar which will review Safety, Ice Fishing Equipment, Ice Fishing Techniques, Knots, Bait, Fish Identification, Clean Drain and Dry message and more.  Greg is excited to visit Chippewa Falls and met the anglers and future anglers.  Thanks Wissota Ice Fishing Classic for having me!!  Greg …

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