Woman’s Walleye Weekend and the NPAA


This past Saturday evening I attended the Woman’s Walleye Weekend dinner where I talked to the woman about the National Professional Anglers Association.  I reviewed the goal of the NPAA to Preserve and Protect our great sport of fishing in a professional manner.  I explained all the good the NPAA is doing to promote fishing to future anglers and the benefits they receive being a member.

Lil’ Angler Fishing Event

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On Saturday, Greg kicked off the 2013 Lil Angler fishing event with his ‘Fishing Basics’ seminar in Kaukauna, Wisconsin. It was a brisk day but everyone was attentive as throughout the day I had many questions from both youth and parents on fishing and the seminar. After my seminar the kids were to fish but with the rain and cold the fishing was canceled. The families enjoyed lunch and then after that all the kids received a prize. The group that runs the Lil’ Angler fishing group is a great group of people and made it a very special day for the lil Anglers!!!

Greg’s Angler Educator Jersey


Tomorrow my new Angler Educator jersey will debut at the Lil Angler event at 1000 Islands in Kaukauna. I will be kicking of the event with my ‘Fishing Basic’ seminar which will begin at 9 AM. I have heard that 200 youth have signed up for the event. After the seminar the lil anglers will go fishing. We are all going to have a great time!!!

Thank You Cards from Westside Elementary

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On Monday I found cards posted throughout my office!!! The previous week I held a fishing clinic at Westside Elementary and the third graders wanted to thank me!! My coworkers posted them all over!! Each day I read one and yesterday’s card was very special!! With all this interest I will plan on bringing an after school fishing club to Westside Elementary. Thanks Westside Elementary!!!

Fishing Clinic with Fox Valley 4H Group

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This past Monday Greg hosted his ‘Fishing Basics’ seminar with the Fox Valley 4H group.  The event was held at the Fox Valley Technical college.  The 4H youth said they had kearned a lot and that they planned on fishing within the next couple of weeks.

The Triton 216 Fishunter with 300 Verado Pro is Home!!

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Picked up the Tirton 216 Fishunter with Mercury motors yesterday from The Boat Doc!!  Thanks Josh and The Boat Doc crew, everything looks good!!!  Heading out with Tim Euting to start the break and try to catch some fish.

Educating Neenah Cub Scouts on Fishing

Yesterday Tim Euting, Bill Van Ornum, Patti Parcell and myself educated Pack 3045/3074’s on fishing!!  Besides the Cub Scouts, Fox 11 news attended.  Tim taught the scouts on fishing combos, casting and setting the hook.  Bill taught the scouts on live and artifical bait, how to hook the bait, crank baits and how to tie a palomar and clinch know.  I taught the scouts about; parts of a fish, fish identification, safety, AIS Message and the different types of fishing presenations.  The Cub Scouts should be well on there way to getting thier fishing belt loop or fishing pin.  Thanks to the sponsors as most scouts went home with a fishing item.  Patti was instrumental in making this a huge success.

Westside Elementary Fishing Education

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Yesterday afternoon, Greg presented his ‘Fishing Basics’ seminar to the third graders at Westside Elementary in Kimberly.   I big thanks goes to Greg’s coworkers Jim and Ryan for helping out.  Yesterday Greg started tailoring the fishing clinic to the Shakespeare’s  ‘My Fishing Journal’.    The kids really enjoyed the book!!  On Thursday the kids read an article that was published in the Badger Sportsman that talked about Greg’s fishing and teaching of fishing.  Greg said he had a lot of fun with the third graders and hopes to make this an annual event.  He has also expressed starting a after school fishing club at Westside.  Thanks Westside Elementary

Look who’s on the NWT Tournament Email


Were in the brochure for Cabela’s NWT!!

Triton 216 Fishunter is Here!!


The Triton 216 Fishunter has arrived and is in the Fond du Lac Recreation show.  Check out The Boat Doc booth to see the new boat and all the features.